Focus on what you like, love, appreciate about the other person
instead of what you don’t.
In many relationships, there is the temptation to take each other for
granted after a number of years or even months of being together.
When that happens, one or both people in the relationship begin to
“pick” at each other and their “faults” seem to magnify.
We’re not saying to ignore what needs to be said between the two of
you. What we are saying is to focus on what you want more of in your
relationship instead of what you want less of. Sounds like common
sense but very few people actually do it.
If you are not feeling loved and appreciated yourself, start being
open to seeing and feeling love and appreciation that people are
giving you that you may not be aware of in your daily life. Start
seeing and appreciating what your partner does “right.” Take the
time, in your thoughts, words and actions, to be appreciative of the
other person and watch how your relationship blossoms!
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