What is most valuable in the world? Pt 1
What is most valuable in the world? Pt 2
Life is like a bulb. The goal of life is like the current. If we consider bulb as the most important thing remember that we cannot get light when there is no current. So we need the current i.e goal of life along with the bulb called life. Only when these two are combined will our life be effulgent. The day we light this lamp of life humaneness will be fulfilled. We must develop strong faith in god. If there is no faith in god we are equal to ghosts. When can a human being fulfill his mission? The day he is able to manifest his inner powers externally he will be fulfilling his mission as a human being.
Development in man is development of the world. When man improves himself the world too improves. When an individual is good then the society will also be good. For the development in man transformation in political, financial, social and scientific fields alone is not enough. Transformation of the mind is very essential. Transformation of the mind does not come about just by eating habits. There are some people who argue that human problems can be solved by food and clothing. This argument has come to an end when atom bomb was blasted in the 20th centuary. The first one is physical change, second one is mental change and the 3rd one is spiritual change. Transformation of these three represents the full man.
Science has developed a lot these days. Plastics, electronics and computers are developing day by day. Atomically as well as astronomically we are progressing very well. On the other hand financial and political disturbances are growing. Differences and ill feelings in castes and religions have grown. Students’ commotions are also gradually rising. Why is science growing on one hand? Why are worldly disturbances growing on the other hand? What is the reason behind the development of these two?
The reason is that animal nature is still present in man. 5,500 years ago peace was prevailing more than unrest. In these 5,500 years there were 1500 wars! What is the reason behind it? Even today there is fear of war. What is the reason behind man’s mind becoming so weak in terms of spirituality and righteousness? There is animalness persisiting in humaneness. As a result of animalness man is forgetting his humaneness gradually. He is enveloped by darkness and is unable to recognize what is humaneness. Man must make his thought, word and deed sacred. There is nothing greater than this.
Due to the progress in Science we have practiced to swim like fish in the water and fly like the birds in the sky. But we are not making any efforts to live on earth like humans. We must make efforts to live on earth like humans. What is the use of flying like birds in the sky or swimming like fish in the water? We must make efforts to recognize the true meaning of humaneness.
We have to sincerely condemn the ingratitude that exists in man today. Ingratitude is the quality of a beast and not that of a man. Until we get what we desire we act very humble. As soon as we are satisfied we don’t mind ruining the benefactor. This is not what humans should be doing. We must try to be grateful and clear the debt of the person who helped us in times of trouble. If we cannot help them at least let us not harm them.
Man is the one who has absolutely no trace of ignorance. We must do good to the best of our capacity. Deriving joy from the happiness of other people is a mark of true humaneness. That is our duty. But these days we get in the way other’s happiness, we don’t encourage the joy of others. We try to give them lot of problems and create restlessness in them.
We must not instill fear in others hearts. We must not create sorrow or agony in others. To do so is demonic in nature. Whom so ever we are trying to harm, divinity exists in them also. Let us recognize this and act in such a way that we don’t harm anyone. When we help others we are actually helping our selves. By harming others we are actually harming our selves. Though bodies are different divinity exists in all alike. If we understand the difference between sensual pleasure and divine bliss we will know that god exists in all.
Some people ask, “Birds in the sky and fish in the water are moving freely. Why can’t we too move about freely?” It is true that birds and fish are moving freely. Wild animals are also moving freely in the forests. We too can be free. Birds are enjoying the freedom of birds. Animals are enjoying animal freedom. Since we are human we may enjoy human freedom. Being a human it is not right to enjoy animal freedom. Being a human we want to move about freely like an animal. In the name of freedom men are moving about like animals. A man’s freedom should not be against righteousness or wisdom. It should be in a truthful path without any ego, attachment and hatred.
What is the reason behind the good or bad in us? Depending on the people around us we turn good or bad. Human life depends on attachment and hatred. Man should be able to command himself. He should understand the nature of his mind and keep it under control. Do not consider life as a water bubble. Body may be a water bubble but not life. Life has a goal. A person who has no faith in it can never improve himself.
A person with ruchi is an animal and a person with abhiruch is a human. But man is behaving like an animal. He doesn’t have faith in the fact that he is more valuable than the materials that he has earned. Forgetting his own true nature and assuming that the worldly life is permanent he is facing lot of problems. He is unable to realize the truth that the divine power is immanent in him. Only a person who proves divinity in humaneness is a ‘vyakthi’ not all can be called so. The day he understands that the body which he thinks as his own is not actually his, he will attain fullness.
We have called ourselves human. But just calling ourselves human is not complete. Please understand that saying I am man is only half truth. What is the other half of the truth? I am not an animal is the other half truth. These two must be combined to make one full truth. Just as negative and positive come together to produce current these two must be combined. These days people keep calling themselves humans but behave like animals. This is no good. For an animal to behave as an animal is natural but a man should not behave like an animal. This is what we have got to learn.
What is most valuable in the world? Pt 1
What is most valuable in the world? Pt 2